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Posts Tagged ‘Manual Mode’

Photography is a static medium and differs from other modes of art such as video in that our image doesn’t move. However if we use our imagination, it is possible to give the illusion of movement in a photo. There are several techniques that can give this feeling, all of which require a longer exposure […]

Longer exposures allow the photographer to express movement in the final image. If the exposure is long enough, it can make for a creative shot.

There are three crucial components to creating every exposure… ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed When taking a photo either in automatic or in full manual mode, there are three crucial components to creating every exposure. ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. Each component influences the other and reducing one component means increasing another. When using automatic, […]

There are three crucial components to creating every exposure… ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed When taking a photo either in automatic or in full manual mode, there are three crucial components to creating every exposure. ISO,  Aperture and Shutter Speed. Each component influences the other and reducing one component means increasing another. When using automatic, […]
